Newsletter New York Times. Friday briefing. Es wird aber auch langsam Zeit ... Mehr davon ...: Alexa, Siri and Google’s Assistant can hear secret audio commands that are undetectable to the human ear, researchers in China and the U.S. have demonstrated. They warn that the capability could be used to command smart devices to unlock doors, wire money or make online purchases — simply with music playing over the radio.
Freitag, 11. Mai 2018
Newsletter New York Times. Friday briefing. Es wird aber auch langsam Zeit ... Mehr davon ...: Alexa, Siri and Google’s Assistant can hear secret audio commands that are undetectable to the human ear, researchers in China and the U.S. have demonstrated. They warn that the capability could be used to command smart devices to unlock doors, wire money or make online purchases — simply with music playing over the radio.
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