Montag, 1. Februar 2021

19 Shevat

The Zohar depicts the Shekinah, the immanent Divine dwelling in all things, in many ways:  as a bride, as a mother bird, als the Torah. One way the Zohar imagines the Shekinah is as an apple orchard: not a single tree but a gathering of trees. Each soul, the Zohar imagines, is a tree in the flowering orchard of the Shekinah. 

Jill Hammer, The Jewish Book of Days, A companion for all seasons

Fasching, Fastnacht, Karneval, Fasnacht ... Purim

Und nun auch daran noch einmal daran erinnert: Auch dieses sind  Feste  der  Begegnungen . Der  Freude . Das Karnevalsfest,  Fasching , in d...