Montag, 16. Februar 2015

Families Against Cult Teachings - News Blog
Critical Links to Lamaism

Buddhism, Fascism and the Nazi-Tibet-Connection

Buddhists, Occultists and Secret Societies in Early Bolshevik Russia: an interview with Andrei Znamenski

Andrei Znamenski is the author of Red Shambhala: Magic, Prophecy, and Geopolitics in the Heart of Asia, published by Quest Books. Shambhala, a mythical, heaven-type land in Tibetan Buddhism, was created during a period of conflict between Buddhists and Muslims in Asia, and appears to have been partly modeled on Islamic doctrine. As Znamenski himself points out, the Buddhists had no conception of a paradise before this. Shambhala, which originally had both spiritual and martial qualities, may also have been modeled on the Islamic idea of the inner and outer Jihad ...

AZ: Let me first give you a few ideas about how Red Shambhala came about. When I was writing my previous book, The Beauty of the Primitive, about shamanism and the Western imagination, I stumbled upon some interesting information that in the Soviet Union of the 1920s there was a secret lab where Soviet secret police was conducting experiments with Buddhist lamas, shamans, hypnotists, and all kinds of spiritual experts.


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