"ORLANDO - Rita Lucey was ordained as Central Florida's first woman priest Saturday afternoon, but at 80 years old, she'll likely be excommunicated from the church — no longer able to receive sacraments like communion ... Lucey was ordained by the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests, a branch that's part of a growing international movement pushing for more women priests. There are now dozens of women priests across the U.S."
Sonntag, 18. Januar 2015
"ORLANDO - Rita Lucey was ordained as Central Florida's first woman priest Saturday afternoon, but at 80 years old, she'll likely be excommunicated from the church — no longer able to receive sacraments like communion ... Lucey was ordained by the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests, a branch that's part of a growing international movement pushing for more women priests. There are now dozens of women priests across the U.S."
Wie Schnitzeljagd - Nur schöner
Gut. Ich hatte ja versprochen, so viel wie möglich Methoden und Wahrheit zu vermitteln, die viele verschiedene Perspektiven hat. Da es hier ...
Und ziemlich viele, Zitat: Lage-Einweisungen , siehe das Video Oberst Markus Reisner, in Anspielung auf terroristische Versuche des Umdeute...
Es sind Frühlingsfeste, die nach dem Mondkalender berechnet werden. Im Lexikon des Geheimen Wissen der Frauen steht, dass das kirchliche Ost...