"First time I got singled out as a Jew, was while I was riding on my bike, wearing a kippa, in north London. A girl stopped me in my tracks and slapped me to the ground, just for being a Jew. I couldn't have been more that 9 years old. "You dirty Jew" were her words, she said them with pure hate." Lt. Col. Peter Lerner
Dienstag, 27. Januar 2015
"First time I got singled out as a Jew, was while I was riding on my bike, wearing a kippa, in north London. A girl stopped me in my tracks and slapped me to the ground, just for being a Jew. I couldn't have been more that 9 years old. "You dirty Jew" were her words, she said them with pure hate." Lt. Col. Peter Lerner
Wie Schnitzeljagd - Nur schöner
Gut. Ich hatte ja versprochen, so viel wie möglich Methoden und Wahrheit zu vermitteln, die viele verschiedene Perspektiven hat. Da es hier ...
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