"Roger Delano Hinkins the founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness has died at the age of 80, it was announced on Wednesday. Known as the 'Mystical Traveler' by his followers, who include Arianna Huffington and Carol Wilson of the Beach Boys before his death, the news of Hinkins' passing was published on his organizations website. There was no cause of death given for the spiritualist who was living in Los Angeles at the time of his passing." (Via Steven Hassan - Freedom of Mind)
Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2014
"Roger Delano Hinkins the founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness has died at the age of 80, it was announced on Wednesday. Known as the 'Mystical Traveler' by his followers, who include Arianna Huffington and Carol Wilson of the Beach Boys before his death, the news of Hinkins' passing was published on his organizations website. There was no cause of death given for the spiritualist who was living in Los Angeles at the time of his passing." (Via Steven Hassan - Freedom of Mind)
Gegen 14 : 40 Uhr. Der erste Schnee im Jahr. Und jede Menge ... Freude! Nun, sagen wir besser: Freude - Mit gemischten Gefühlen!
Und ziemlich viele, Zitat: Lage-Einweisungen , siehe das Video Oberst Markus Reisner, in Anspielung auf terroristische Versuche des Umdeute...
Es sind Frühlingsfeste, die nach dem Mondkalender berechnet werden. Im Lexikon des Geheimen Wissen der Frauen steht, dass das kirchliche Ost...