Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2018

"In almost every Jewish home, even in the humblest and poorest, stood a bookcase full of volumes; proud and stately folio-tomes together with shy small-sized books. Books were neither an asylum for the frustrated nor a means for occasional edification. They were furnaces of living strength, time-proof receptacles for the eternally valid coins of spirit.../... Korets, Karlin, Bratzlav, Lubavich, Ger, Lublin -hundreds of little towns were like holy books."

Abraham J. Heschel

Morgen, Montag

"Wie jedes Jahr am 13. Januar findet in Urnäsch im Kanton Appenzell Ausserrhoden einer der wohl schönsten Bräuche der Schweiz statt. Fr...