Montag, 5. März 2018

Es reicht jetzt langsam! Hier ist ein Artikel von: Mai 1979!
New York Times
via U.S. Departement of State

MOSCOW, May 29 (AP) — The Soviet Union has stopped bombarding the American Embassy with microwaves, an embassy spokesman said today. The move was seen as an attempt by Moscow to improve relations before the meeting in June of President Carter and Leonid I. Brezhnev. the Soviet leader.

For the last three and a half years, strong beams have been aimed at the embassy's upper floors from transmitters east and south of the 10‐story structure.

“Neither the east nor the south signal has operated since the end of April,” the embassy spokesman said. “Hence, we have detected no radiation since that time from those sources.”

Other microwave sources in the area have been detected for years but were not considered comparable to the searchlight‐like beams aimed at the embassy building.

Since the mid‐1960's Washington repeatedly protested to Moscow on radiation bombardment. The exact purpose of the activity never has been clear. American officials theorized that the microwaves could have been intended to jam American electronic‐intelligence equipment or to trigger electronic monitor devices concealed in the embassy.

Versorgung, Verpflegung, Verkehr

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