"Prosecutors in Brazil have charged three European ‘charity workers’ with laundering $12 million in ‘humanitarian’ funds. The three are all members of the Teachers Group cult, which authorities say is a ‘transnational criminal organisation’ ...
The Teachers Group is the body behind tens of thousands of charity-style used clothes boxes in Britain and the United States, run by enterprises including Humana People-to-People, Planet Aid, Gaia, USAgain and DAPP. In Britain, boxes badged Planet Aid UK are part of a complex offshore financial empire controlled from Mexico. The organisation is regarded as a cult, and its founder and leader, Amdi Petersen, is wanted by Interpol ...
The Tvind Teachers Group, which began in around 1970, was ostensibly a left-wing co-operative and educational trust run on communal principles, with several hundred members. On the outside, it was a ‘humanitarian organisation’, dedicated to alleviating Third World poverty by redistribution and development. In reality, according to police, its members and their money were being exploited by a cynical inner circle.
From the mid-1980s, according to police evidence, gullible supporters were coerced into money-making schemes of ever more doubtful legality, as leaders allegedly sought to amass money for secret property development plans in developing countries.
Via Steven Hassan